- Product management—meaning, requirements, goals, and use
- Requirements and responsibilities of a product manager
- Product manager job descriptions
- Effective product management: project and division matrix organization
- Product division organization and profit-center or cost-center organization
- Job requirements and differences depending on organizational structure
- Conclusion: the product manager as product specialist and function generalist
- Recommended organizational structures explained
- Product managers and their role in a product-matrix organization
- Aspects of business planning and contents of a business plan
- Contents of a business and how to plan a business
- Marketing concepts and planning
- Product marketing plans within multi-product manufacturers
- Meaning and methods of market research
- Product-focused goal setting and product strategies
- Product positioning in relation to its competition
- Marketing trends: mass customization and co-branding
- Decision and action parameters in product management
- Steps of marketing and product budgeting planning
- Marketing and success control on the leadership and product levels
- Steps of complete and partial cost calculations with identifiers
- Trend: Target cost calculations
- Case study: Evaluation of a product-specific marketing plan with goal setting, action planning, cost allocation, budget allowances, and control parameters
- In-depth discussion of market analysis results
- Importance of marketing and market research in product management
- Information and analysis techniques as part of strategic product marketing
- Portfolio analysis to evaluate strategic company units and of products
- GAP analysis to evaluate and predict product strategies
- Experience analysis to find possible cost advantages of increased capacities
- Product life cycle analysis to determine market-conforming marketing activities
- Customer life cycle analysis to use returning customer potential
- Strength and weaknesses analysis and analysis of potential to determine position amid competition
- Strength and weaknesses analysis and the importance of potential possibilities and risks of a product
- Market analysis to determine market and sales potential
- Information and analysis techniques within operational product marketing
- Cost and use analysis, feasibility studies, investment studies, ROI and BEP analyses
- Feasibility studies to assess product innovation
- Product concepts as part of system and specification sheets
- Product testing by experts, sellers, and customers
- Case study: Evaluation of the basis of strategic decision-making, appropriate strategies following form it, and determination of success parameters
- Product marketing based on planning phases implemented by management
- Product-focused analysis, prediction, and information techniques to measure true condition
- Product goals and deduction of aspired conditions, plus development of appropriate product strategies
- Meaning and structure of marketing-mix areas
- Specific marketing mix for every strategic business department
- Overview of product-focused instruments
- Forms of innovative product policy, explained using the product life cycle
- Brainstorming methods as part of new product planning and product evolution
- Advantages of product variations and product differentiations
- Effects of substitutions and participation
- Name and brand politics—building a brand, marking, and product policy standards
- Packaging-focused actions and creating a service ambiance
- Interaction of guarantee policies and quality management
- Service-focused actions and product support
- Selection of appropriate communication tools, e.g., advertisement
- Designation, support, and assessment of appropriate distribution channels
- Price designation, cost factors, and determination of other factors
- Case study: Evaluation of the marketing mix for a technical product with critical discussion
- Ego marketing of product managers—behavior scenarios and perception
- Typical points of conflict of product managers and the rules of conflict management
- Team management, teamwork, team moderation and presentation techniques
- Rhetoric, NLP, power talk, and other soft skills
- Project management: rules and insights specifically for product managers
- Case study: scenarios that showcase the different responsibilities of a product manager depending on organizational structures, role play, and concluding critical discussion
In a time of saturated markets, when advertisement budgets are used to woo customers and products are distinguished only by price, product-focused considerations are more important than ever for the goals of marketing. Successful are those innovative companies that manage to sell themselves and the unique aspects of their products to clearly defined target markets. Product marketing and product management are used to secure medium- and long-term marketing success and growth. Product managers are the pillars of innovative product policies and are responsible for product-focused decisions and measures.
In companies that aim to be innovative product management is an essential consideration when it comes to organizational structures and company policies. The product matrix organization has moved from the theoretical into the practical. Product managers play an important role within specific departments that are responsible for products and have discretionary power. Like marketing manager, product managers devise with their team product-specific marketing plans. It then takes coordination and implementation skills to make product plans a reality beyond the department. This teamwork requires knowledge of and skills in project and conflict management as wells as other soft skills. The idea product manager is a “leader among leaders,” a specialist who combines specific product knowledge with general department knowledge.
In order to better measure possible results of product-focused decisions, a product manager uses a number of strategic analyses. Marketing and market research provide relevant data, which can provide important information when mined using powerful techniques of analysis. Most product decisions are strategic. A well-grounded basis for decision making considers data parameters of the target market. Market-conforming product strategies influence operational decisions. Operational tools and product management tools help a product manager to make strategic decisions a reality using the measures of profitability and productivity. Thus, the product manager can influence decisions concerning acquisition, production, and sales. With the support of marketing specialists, individual marketing tools can be used to reach product goals as efficiently as possible.
The 5-day “Certified Product Manager” training course introduces participants to the subject of product management and product marketing and, using hands-on examples, prepares them to become qualified and creative product managers.
This training course follows the principles of Marketing-House©.
Folgende Vorteile erwarten Sie
Our training course teaches you relevant, practical knowledge and proven instruments and methods to further develop and improve your marketing skills. Successful practitioners and leading consultants teach you the following subjects:
- Newest trends and developments marketing
- Marketing tools in a changing world
- Successful marketing strategies and brand development
- Strategies for cost policies and cost management
- Marketing controls to gain success
- Integrated communications and multi-channel management
- Value-focused marketing and efficient client interactions
- Integrating e- and m-marketing into the marketing mix
- Retaining clients long-term through loyalty programs
- Managing customer lifetime values
Das Seminar richtet sich an
- Product managers, future product managers, senior and junior product managers
- Product manager assistants and all team members involved in product policies
- IT and product specialists who work with product marketing
- Managers, leaders, and controllers
The focus of this training course is on employees of companies that provide technical products and services. However, those who provide consumer goods can also profit from this training. No prior marketing knowledge is necessary.
Methoden, Ablauf
This particular training course aims to use both theory and practical applications to inspire comprehensive, integrated, and conceptual thinking and combine it with pragmatic forms of action.
- Use of lecture and real-life, best practices, and state-of-the-art examples to present expertise
- Possible solutions for concrete problems will be developed step by step with the use of case studies; results will be presented to the group
- Discussion and exchange of experience among participants are an integral part of the training course
- Group work and presentations support the interactive character of the training
You will profit from the experience of both your coach and fellow students who all have differing backgrounds. Our training courses are led by experienced coaches who have practical knowledge of the subject matter. You will profit not only from their work experience, but also from their ability to convey their knowledge to you in a structured and interactive way.
Our small group sizes guarantees that each participant profits from intensive and focused working groups.
Das Seminar beinhaltet folgende Leistungen
Live vor Ort
- Training von 09.30 bis 17.30 Uhr, inkl. der nötigen Arbeitsunterlagen
- Umfangreiches Skript mit Theorieteil, Empfehlungen und Literaturangaben
- Studien, Tabellen, Listen, E-Books, Skripte, als Link zum Download
- Aufnahme in Alumnidatenbank (Kontakte, Studien, Cases, Links)
- Frühstück (Obst, Müsli, Joghurt), Mittagessen, Kaffee, Tee, Erfrischungsgetränke und Gebäck
- Hotelservice (Empfehlung)
- Internetservice (WLAN, Leih-Laptop, E-Mails), optional
- Veranstaltungsservice (Events, Restaurant, Konzerte), optional
Live online tagsüber
- Training von 09.30 bis 17.30 Uhr, inkl. der nötigen Arbeitsunterlagen
- Umfangreiches Skript mit Theorieteil, Empfehlungen und Literaturangaben
- Studien, Tabellen, Listen, E-Books, Skripte als Link zum Download
- Aufnahme in Alumnidatenbank (Kontakte, Studien, Cases, Links)
- Aufzeichnung des Seminars als Download
Certified Product Manager (FH)
Mit unseren Praxis-Lehrgängen und Praxis-Weiterbildungen erhalten Sie als Teilnehmer ein akkreditiertes Hochschul-Zertifikat von der Allensbach Hochschule. Darüber hinaus wird Ihnen zusätzlich von der Münchner Marketing Akademie das Zertifikat „Certified Product Manager (FH)“ übergeben. Sie erhalten es zeitnah nach dem Abschluss des Trainings. Wir bauen keinen Prüfungsstress auf, sondern honorieren Ihre Mitarbeit und Ihre Beiträge in den Fallstudien und Workshops. Ihr Qualifikations-Check besteht in der praktischen Umsetzung des Gehörten während des Lehrgangs. Unser Ziel ist es, dass Sie den Lehrgang mit erprobtem Wissen abschließen und sich mit frischem Enthusiasmus neuen Aufgaben stellen.
Mit dem Zertifikat der Allensbach Hochschule erhalten Sie einen hochwertigen Qualifizierungsnachweis von einer der größten und forschungsstärksten Fachhochschule Europas. Die Authorisierung dieser Bildungseinrichtung durch die anspruchsvollen Vorschriften des zentralen Bildungssystems verschafft Ihrem Zertifikat weltweite Anerkennung. Sie können sehr gerne, den bekannten und reputativen Namen "Certified Product Manager (FH)" führen.
Mit einem Zertifikat der Münchner Marketing Akademie erhalten Sie nicht nur einen fachlich anerkannten Qualifizierungsnachweis, sondern auch ein Dokument, welches in der Praxis hohe Anerkennung und Reputation erfährt. Jeder unserer Dozenten und Trainer verfügt über die erforderlichen Bildungsabschlüsse und Befähigungsnachweise sowie zusätzliche Qualifikationen. Wir leisten mehr als das Übliche. Unsere Bildungseinrichtung ist Mitglied des MedienCampus Bayern e. V., dem von der Staatsregierung getragenen Dachverband für die Medienaus- und -fortbildung in Bayern. Unsere Bildungskonzepte sind durch die Mitarbeit in der ARGE ProEthik geprägt.
In Erfüllung der Maßgaben und zum dezidierten Nachweis Ihrer erworbenen Qualifikation sind die Bildungsinhalte in Ihrem Nachweis „Certified Product Manager (FH)“ explizit ausgewiesen.
Sie umfassen das komplette Anforderungsprofil vom Aufbau des Online-Marktes, seiner spezifischen Sales-Marketingkommunikation und -strategien sowie deren Vertiefung hinsichtlich Leadgenerierung wie Verbindung zum Offline-Markt gleichermaßen.
Ihr Zertifikat „Certified Product Manager (FH)“ ist für Unternehmensführer, Behördenleiter oder Personalchefs ein Kompetenznachweis auf hohem Niveau. Zudem profitieren Sie von dem vorzüglichen Ruf der Allensbach Hochschule und der Münchner Marketing Akademie in der Wirtschaft, bei Verbänden und bei Verwaltungen.